A group of individuals from diverse backgrounds but a common interest recently came together to form a group called Friends Of The Animal Shelter (FOTAS). The group’s mission is to support the County’s effort to build a much-needed new animal shelter. The old shelter located on Ross Road was built in the mid fifties and is obsolete in size, functionality, and its structural condition is not suitable for renovation.
FOTAS is co-chaired by Dr. Clyde Brooks and Nita Hunt and Gay Poor is the secretary/treasurer. Other volunteers include Bill Briggs, Katy Rosenberg, Anna Yount, Faith Wheeler, Dr. Ann Holshouser and Larry Bricker. The group’s main function will be to mount a fund-raising campaign to support the funds already committed by the county for the new animal shelter.
The group is working very closely with the County Manager and the County Board of Commissioners to bring the new animal shelter to completion. FOTAS plans a “Kick-Off” event in early August to share its vision with the community. To read more about the New Animal Shelter click here.